Investing Responsibly



Mountainous coastline with a white right angle triangle overlayed for stylistic impact

We are committed to acting in the long-term interests of all our stakeholders. This philosophy drives us to invest responsibly, operate our business with integrity, and build an inclusive workplace where our employees can thrive.

Responsible Investment Spotlights*

Our Impact

It is our belief that by investing and running our business responsibly, promoting a sustainable environment, fostering a more inclusive industry and workforce, and staying active in our communities, we truly can make a positive impact.

Reporting and Policies

Report cover that says "2023 Impact Report"

Firm Impact Report

GCM Grosvenor Sustainable Investing and Impact Policy cover thumbnail

Sustainable Investing & Impact Policy

Report cover that says "2023 Labor and Economic Impact Report"

Labor Impact Report

Cover of 2022 GCM Grosvenor TCFD report

TCFD Report

AUM Data as of December 31, 2024.


* Past performance is not indicative of future results. No assurance can be given that any investment will achieve its objectives or avoid losses.


The data regarding sustainable and impact investments (and sub-strategies) presented above, and otherwise contained herein, is based on the amount of AUM in investments by GCM Grosvenor managed portfolios as of the dates above, based on the assessment of each such investment by GCM Grosvenor investment team members. The relevant investments are placed into categories that are generally consistent with the categories presented in the UN PRI Impact Investing Market Map. Primary fund assessments are based on whether a significant part of the expected strategy of the primary fund falls into a sustainable or impact investment category. Co-investment categorizations are based either on categories represented by the co-investment sponsor or the underlying portfolio company. There is significant subjectivity in placing an investment in a particular category, and conventions and methodologies used by GCM Grosvenor in categorizing investments and calculating the data presented may differ from those used by other investment managers. Diverse managers are firms in which women or minority professionals account for a significant percentage of the management company or economics, depending on the strategy.

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Absolute Return Strategies

We offer clients a broad range of tailored solutions across strategies, including multi-strategy, macro, relative value, long/short equity, quantitative strategies, and opportunistic credit. Levaraging our large scale and presence in the industry, we are able to offer clients preferntial exposure to hard-to-access managers and seek to obtain terms that can drive economic and structural advantages.